Biolase Epic10 laser
The newest diode Epic10 laser by the leading dental laser manufacturer Biolase has 3 separate functions: tooth bleaching, soft tissue surgery and pain relief. It is useful in many areas of dentistry, especially oral surgery, cosmetic and pediatric dentistry.

Vatech PaX-Primo panoramic X-ray
Dental X-rays are done using a modern method of exposing phosphorus imaging plates instead of X-ray film, as was done previously, using a modern Acteon Satelec X-Mind Unity X-ray unit; the image is then transferred from the imaging plate to a computer using a special plate reader, then the image appears on the computer screen and can be manipulated. In Amicus Dentis clinic we use the peerless Digora Optime digital imaging plates and reader made by Soredex. This equipment provides almost perfect Image, with the resolution of 0.06 mm to see the smallest details. 100% of the plate surface is active. The image can be adjusted, measured, rotated, filtered, etc., by using special SOPRO imaging software.

Soredex Digora Optime digital X-ray equipment
We use the PaX-Primo panoramic X-ray unit by the leading manufacturer of digital dental imaging solutions Vatech. The unit has an integrated CMOS digital sensor which scans the image in less than 9 seconds, and together with ALSA (Automatic Layer Selection Algorithm) ensures the best image resolution (more information).

ZEISS microscope
A microscope from the leading optics manufacturer ZEISS with the latest Varioskop® objective lens (100 mm radius) allows to view and assess the smallest details. The five-stage magnification feature facilitate the most precise interventions in endodontics, implant dentistry and periodontology. ZEISS OPMI pico achieves up to 10x image magnification. Using a microscope it is possible to view and evaluate tortuous anatomy of the root canal system, effectively remove old filling materials, broken instruments, diagnose vertical root fractures and root perforations. Using the microscope, root canal obturation and cosmetic bonding is performed.

Open Dental software

Open Dental is the acclaimed dental clinic management software. Our clinic has been using this software for five years. This software is used for patient management – every patient receives a comprehensive treatment plan with a budget estimate, also, all required and important patient medical information is stored, staff work hours are managed, it is used for communication with dental laboratories and sending patient reminders, etc.
Carestream Dental

CS 8200 3D yra universali ir kompaktiška CBCT sistema, turinti išplėstą matymo lauką (iki 12 cm x 10 cm!) ir idealiai tinka aprėpti platesnį indikacijų spektrą arba išplėsti gydymo galimybes. Naudojant Carestream Dental aukščiausios kokybės vaizdo gavimo technologiją ir programinę įrangą, šis patikrintas „4-in-1“ sprendimas užtikrina puikią vaizdo kokybę ir leidžia pasiūlyti daugiau klinikinių paslaugų.